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German; French; English and 11+ worksheets and resources




German; French; English and 11+ worksheets and resources
Clothes In French - a bundle of 5 resources

Clothes In French - a bundle of 5 resources

A 30 word word search in French to reinforce vocabulary - good for revision / homework. 2 vocabulary match worksheet - matching the French and English 2 power point presentations to introduce and practise vocabulary.
Hair and eyes in French - 2 resources

Hair and eyes in French - 2 resources

A matching exercise - good as a starter to reinforce vocabulary. A word search looking for phrases on hair and eyes - good as a starter or homework - includes key verbs - I am and I have
Revision of the verb 'avoir' - basic topic use

Revision of the verb 'avoir' - basic topic use

A simple worksheet reminding of the importance of 'avoir' in French and how many basic phrases it is used in (age / hair and eyes / family / characteristics etc). Translation exercises from French to English and English to French and re-presentation of the complete verb. Good consolidation of the first few chapters of Métro 1 or simple basic sentences about oneself.
Chez moi - House and rooms in French

Chez moi - House and rooms in French

3 resources: 1. a simple presentation showing how to to say the different floors of the house and then a reminder slide about using à + definite article - to say on the first floor etc. 2. An ICT task - that should take a single lesson to create a word search on rooms of the house - also encourages dictionary use - to look up and add more. If more needed to fill the lesson - students could make a power point of the rooms and label in French. The word searches they make could then be swapped around and used as a starter in the next lesson. 3. Ready made word search on rooms of the house in French. Words go in all directions - including backwards. Includes searching for the definite article. Good as a homework / starter or simply vocabulary consolidation.
Mein Tagesablauf 1 and 2   - crosswords  in German

Mein Tagesablauf 1 and 2 - crosswords in German

Puzzle 1 requires you to translate these phrases into German and fit them into the puzzle: ACROSS 1 I have a wash 6 I have a shower 7 I have a bath 8 I watch TV 9 I do my homework 10 I get up 11 I go to school 12 I eat my dinner DOWN 2 I go to bed 3 I get dressed 4 I go home 5 I have breakfast 6 I get undressed Puzzle 2 - has the German phrases and asks for the English translation to be fitted into the crossword Good as consolidation work / a starter or homework
Puzzle bundle (word searches) on school / things in the school bag / school life and instructions

Puzzle bundle (word searches) on school / things in the school bag / school life and instructions

2 puzzles that require students to search for the school subjects in French - one has the solution puzzle also. 1 puzzle that has 'mes affaires' - supports Métro 1 - also with the solution puzzle 1 puzzle and the solution on the classroom instructions - introduced in Métro 1 1 puzzle on school life including: L'école maternelle = nursery school / l'école primaire = primary school le collège = secondary school / un carnet de correspondance = student planner/diary les externes - pupils that go home for lunch / un collège public = a state school les cours = the lessons / une permanence = a free lesson / devoirs = homework Ideal to reinforce vocabulary / for starters or homeworks
Places in the town in French

Places in the town in French

3 resources: 1. A simple power point presentation of the key vocabulary 2. A town plan that needs to be labelled in French - challenge element to get the correct definite article. 3. A word search; gap fill and matching exercise and pictures for labelling in French.
Interests / Hobbies in German

Interests / Hobbies in German

A reading comprehension sheet - highlighting the use of Ich würde + infinitive A puzzle on free time where the students have to search for free time linked words and phrases: Ich mag nicht / Klavier / Ich spiele am Computer / Ich besuche Freunde Fussball / Ich gehe Schwimmen / Ich faulenze / Ich fahre Rad / Ich lese / Ich tanze A matching exercise on free time activities - match the English and the German
Rauchen - crossword in German

Rauchen - crossword in German

Suitable as a starter / homework or consolidation for GCSE German or AS level Includes these phrases to translate and fit in the crossword ACROSS 1 fitter 3 an outsider 6 I smoked 7 I can't stop/quit 8 3 years ago 10 I started 12 healthier DOWN 2 to smoke 4 It doesn't taste nice 5 to stink 9 to smell 11 to cough
German crossword - sports vocabulary

German crossword - sports vocabulary

Solve the clues to get the correct sport and then translate into German and fit into the puzzle Clues are: ACROSS 3 Beckham 6 Wimbledon 8 Johnny Wilkinson 9 Kelly Holmes 10 The Tour de France 11 Lets boogie!! DOWN 1 Shoes with wheels! 2 Cod / Plaice / Haddock 4 The Harlem Globetrotters! 5 Bully off! 7 Fish like this activity!